Tales of Terror LP
CD, 1984
***Long overdue reissue alert*** The finest track on The Melvins’ Everyone Loves Sausages LP has to be the song “Romance” from the criminally underrated Sacto punk heavies Tales of Terror. After hearing the Melvins’ version, the song stuck with me for days and made me appreciate them even more than I already did. Why their solitary 1984 LP hasn’t seen some sort of reissue or at least shown some respect outside a few clued-in blog posts is a mystery to me. They had a few compilation tracks on classic records like Rat Music for Rat People Vol. 2 and Boner Records’ Them Boners Be Poppin’, not to mention a killer instrumental track on the second volume of Thrasher magazine’s Skate Rock compilations. In fact the footage of the band from Thrasher’s first Skate Rock video was what made me a believer, with roaring versions of “Ozzy,” “Possessed” and “Deathryders.” Check out a couple tracks from the album, the instro track from Skate Rock Vol. 2 and the Thrasher video below.
Tales of Terror – “Romance”
Tales of Terror – “Deathryder”
Tales of Terror – “Gods from Outer Space” (from Thrasher‘s Skate Rock Vol. 2)