Prized Pig

Tomothy Records, 2020

Digging into the sophomore release by LA’s Tomothy Records label, this freewheeling slab o’ Spray Paint-style noise rock dissonance sets out to establish its own oddball oeuvre with a trio of songs aimed to satisfy your tinnitus-tainted ear holes. Prized Pig ignites side A with “Mistake”, which stabs like a malformed Arab on Radar track before bulking up for some devolved Big’n / Shorty caveman grunt stomp. Then “Toothless Tom” brings a woozy Cows vibe with a tasty side of psycho skronk, complete with some loud/soft dynamics and interesting percussive touches. The Side B track, “Race Car”, ups the swampy skronk dial with a nasty ass riff that touches a godhead heavy blues vibe that’s downright Zeppelin-esque, had Led Zeppelin been obsessed with the AmRep discography. Overall, this 7″ delivers a noise rock funhouse experience that will have you humming along, unhinged, to some of the ugliest tones around. Pro tip: the vinyl version includes an extended ending to “Race Car” (or maybe an untitled track?) that sounds like the record being played at 13 rpm in a vat of heavy syrup. Choice.